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Thread: 2000 vs 1850

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  1. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Upcoming tournament is 1850, as is Adepticon. I wouldn't say I'd like DL tournaments to go back to 1850, but I like having both.

    Plus, I think 2000 is a good way for a newer (or weaker build/Codex) to have a good match up against a strong 1850 list.
    That's a good point; the 150 point handicap could provide a bit of a balancing edge. That way, there's not as much need to hold back, and a newer player can actually benefit more from seeing full-out tactics rather than pulled punches. EDIT: That and a few of us aren't good at pulling punches either. I may not be a pro-tour player, but I'll club a baby seal pretty badly with the footdar mallet before I realize how far into overkill territory I've gone.

    In the short term, that tournament in Dallas is 1850, and a few people wanted to start Adepticon practice 6 months and two codex launches in advance. While I'm not sure I agree with the latter goal, I don't mind playing games at a different point value every now and again so hey, why not. And as an immediate goal... I need to test the modified Eldar list to see how it does before I submit it.
    Last edited by Splug; 10-07-2010 at 01:20 PM.

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