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Thread: PBC's WIP Legion of Acronyms.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member PeanutButterConspiracy's Avatar
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    PBC's WIP Legion of Acronyms.

    Hey all! Getting back to painting my own stuff finally, and I'm confronted with some work I'd done fairly quickly back in August. I'm thinking I'm going to simplegreen these guys and start over, mostly because I'm unhappy with a few things (gaps between pieces mainly), and want to shore up my LoE scheme a little.

    Any C&C is greatly appreciated! And will help me to have a better second round of painting these guys.



    Dat Ass. Using MassiveVoodoo's "Demonic Dot Grain" to give the skin a different look.

    More dot grain

    Let me know what you guys think!

  2. #2
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    I like the grain, but feels like it needs a little highlight. Or maybe do the dots on the base coat, under the shade and highlight? They seem a bit flat compared to the rest of the skin, which looks great.
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    How are you doing the bone and spiny plates?

  4. #4
    Senior Member PeanutButterConspiracy's Avatar
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    Thanks guys!
    @RealGenius: Hm, good call on the grain-- by highlighted, do you mean a dot-w/in-a-dot? Or shaded almost like a sphere? I like the idea of layering the dots though. I'm trying to think how I could avoid covering them up though? Maybe airbrush the basecoat and first highlight, then do some really opaque dot grain (with the same kind of gradient I did here), and 2-Brush-blend white on over it, so the dots would be faintest on the upper highlighted white skin, an darkest in the shadows? They'd be below the last layer, so they might look more integrated than they do just sitting on top of the skin like they are now...

    @ace423: The bone and plates have textured areas (most of the upright spines) and flat areas (the plates)-- for the plates, I basecoated P3 Umbral Umber, then did a series of lines in snakebite leather, covering the area close to the edge of the plates. Then, do the same thing a little more sparingly with bleached bone. Then wash it with Nuln Oil. For the textured spines, do the same thing. But drybrush instead of painting lines. I decided that I wanted them to be darker, so I only did lines on the outermost portions of the plate. There's a tutorial on warseer or CMoN I can find later that explains the lines better.

  5. #5
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutButterConspiracy View Post
    Thanks guys!
    @RealGenius: Hm, good call on the grain-- by highlighted, do you mean a dot-w/in-a-dot?
    I was gonna say just a dot-within-a-dot since they are painted already, but I like your idea of doing them before your last white blend. I think darkest in the shadows/up against the armor plates will be a really cool looking effect.
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  6. #6
    Senior Member evilamericorp's Avatar
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    Legion of Acronyms, you say?

    E is for EVIL, just look at our spikes
    V is for VIOLENT, we'll stab you with pikes
    E is for ETERNAL, we live a long time
    R is for RIDICULOUS, when we're painted lime
    B is for BORING, which Warmahordes is
    L is for LYLYTH, I hear she's a whiz
    I is for INCUBI, from flesh they explode
    G is for GORGING, on pie a la mode
    H is for HATE, our feelings don't mix
    T is for TERRIBLE, when compared to Cryx

    ... aaaand I just spent way too much time coming up with that.
    Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
    Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

  7. #7
    Senior Member PeanutButterConspiracy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evilamericorp View Post
    Legion of Acronyms, you say?

    E is for EVIL, just look at our spikes
    V is for VIOLENT, we'll stab you with pikes
    E is for ETERNAL, we live a long time
    R is for RIDICULOUS, when we're painted lime
    B is for BORING, which Warmahordes is
    L is for LYLYTH, I hear she's a whiz
    I is for INCUBI, from flesh they explode
    G is for GORGING, on pie a la mode
    H is for HATE, our feelings don't mix
    T is for TERRIBLE, when compared to Cryx

    ... aaaand I just spent way too much time coming up with that.
    Slow clap...

  8. #8
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    That's look awesome....but I have never been a fan of that color scheme
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  9. #9
    Senior Member m3g4tr0n's Avatar
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    Looks really good.

    Legion of OP.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member PeanutButterConspiracy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies!

    @Chris: I know the studio scheme is pretty contentious, but I just haven't seen a scheme that carries the army as well. Overall, I like that it's a really cold, clean, fairly minimal scheme that looks good across the faction. The beasts are problematic because they only REALLY have 2 textures between the Chitin and the Skin (the ravagore's fire makes him by far the most interesting of these beasts)... I've got some pretty cool ideas for the metals and cloth.

    @RealGenuis: I'm debating whether I should two-brush blend, or airbrush the final layer of white-- The feathering from the airbrush should achieve the same basic effect (and is a hell of a timesaver), but I don't necessarily feel as though I have the same control over it. What do you think?

    Some questions to the peanut gallery:
    Legion's got a bunch of flying beasts who have different-colored wing membrane, with a scheme of White Skin/Dark Brown Chitin/Deep Red Blood/Silver metals/Dark blue cloth, what color would look good for these wing membranes? I had tried a sort of warm violet color with a strong red undertone, but I wasn't REALLY happy with it. Maybe a colder violet?

    Thanks again guys!

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