Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
Ok I will look on there.

Hey Jim, What do you think of this? :P


100 points


Ten Numb (34)
B-Wing (31), Marksmanship (3)

Tycho Celchu (32)
A-Wing (26), Push the Limit (3), Stealth Device (3)

Prototype Pilot (17)

Prototype Pilot (17)


Scarlet & The Pimpernells

100 points


Kath Scarlet (58)
Firespray-31 (38), Concussion Missiles (4), Ion Cannon (3), Seismic Charges (2), Deadeye (1), Recon Specialist (3), Slave-1 (0), Stealth Device (3)

Alpha Squadron Pilot (21)
TIE Interceptor (18), Stealth Device (3)

Alpha Squadron Pilot (21)
TIE Interceptor (18), Stealth Device (3)


View: http://x-wing.voidstate.com/view/180...he-pimpernells
Tweak: http://x-wing.voidstate.com/build/18070

When I get Tie-Is of course.