Looking to sell my Ultramarines. Would highly prefer to sell large lots.

-1 vindicator
-1 rhino/razorback (top hhatch is loose for swapping, i have the tl hvy bolter razorback sponson and the bits for the lascannon version)
-approx. 20 tacticals, some on 32mm bases. Also have 10 or so more 32mm bases loose. Many upgraded with the Ultramarines upgrade pack.
- 1 Stormtalon, all weapon options available.
-10 Assault marines
-1 jump pack captain lord executioner version
-4 camo cloak sniper scouts
-2 bolt pistol ccw scouts
- 4 bikes, 2 with meltaguns
- 2 mm attack bikes (painted black, used to be ravenwing)
- 2015 Codex Adeptus Astartes
- old GW Case with foam

Make me an offer. I would highly prefer to sell it all at once and will give a good price for the lot.