I had the idea to put my wolf lord on a bike. To be used in addition to my lord on a thunderwolf. They both have storm shields and artificer armor for protection.
I've been running the guy on a wolf with a frost blade and two wolves to so far wild success, he has warrior born as well.
Though I only have tried the bike guy out once, I am thinking a powerfist might not be worth it. He got stomped by a tactical squad shooting, and a powefist in a sternguard squad. He had the above defense and a powerfist as well as saga of the bear.

So, with the lone character of choppy doom, it does seem that going last greatly reduces durability. Though all the protection in the world can't help rolling 1s.

Any idea on how to run this guy? I think I just need more testing, see if Str 6 will be enough with 5 attacks. Though having the fist helps with walkers etc.