Army Composition: Using Percentiles found on p.42 of the BRB, and may contain any units found in BRB, the ‘Hurricane Season Campaign book’, and ‘Storm of Steel Campaign book’; as well as the Australian, Italian, and Chinese fleets. If models outside of core book are used, then participants must have a physical copy of their respective rulebook. Note: The mini rule-set for Covenant of Antarctica is invalid, as it has been overruled by Hurricane Season. Allies are allowed; however they must follow the allowed percentages in their rules. Also, Personality Fleet Commodores in Storm of Steel are allowed as well as National Fleet Commodore traits.

Two Fleet lists may be used in the tournament (Land/Air/Naval) and include one large squadron, one medium squadron, and one small squadron of the core type. Anything else is up to you. Two copies of the list must be submitted on the day of the event
On a side note, terrain for the tournament will most likely hinder land forces, though each table WILL have land on it.
Note: For the first scenario players will choose up to 250pts. from their fleet to use in this scenario. The 250 pts. may only contain small and medium class ships the minimum size for squadrons will be removed but the maximum amount of units per squadron will stay the same. This list does NOT need to fill core requirements (ex. Player wants to just field frigates then they can…HOWEVER these units must already be included in their 1000pt list.) The second scenario will allow players to choose up to 500pts. of their core fleet (small, medium, and large are permitted) The third scenario will allow players to use up to 850pts. from their core fleet (ALL units sizes are permitted). Finally in the fourth scenario players will use up to their entire 1000pt. list.

Unless otherwise noted in the scenario description, Dystopian Wars game cards will be used and it will be necessary to have them. They will not be provided.

Scenario-specific tokens, templates, markers, etc. WILL be provided. The tables will be 5’ x 4’ with a mixture or water areas with islands of varying sizes.

The first round will last 45 minutes
The second round will last 1 hour
The third round will last 1 hour 30 minutes
The fourth round will last 1 hour 45 minutes

****For the first and second rounds half the number of objectives that will be used rounding up and you will only be playing n a 4x4 table****