Hey guys, I saw mentioned in another thread about Malifaux events in town and figured I would chime in. I was the guy who use to run events over at D-lair 3 or 4 years ago and also ran the events over at Mothership. I have since moved on and am now at Wonko's, and Eric and I are working on starting up Malifaux in the store. We are Placing an order for a decent selection of starter sets and can acquire any of the expansion models upon request. I have been trying to get a healthy group together for years with a decent amount of success. The last league I ran started out with 14 players, about 8 of them brand new to the game. We have plenty of play space now that he have expanded over to the building next door. So I guess what I need to know from you guys is what you works for you. We are looking at open play on Monday and Thursday nights while also having a normal tournament schedule once a month on the weekend. Is there a better night of the week that would work for you guys? My name is Matt by the way feel free to send me a message on here or swing by the shop and say hello. I am there most evenings except for Tuesdays and Sundays. I would love to see a regular meetup for this game. Thanks guys!