Hey all,

A lot of you probably know this already, but I wanted to post anyways.

I am about to leave Austin, for at a good long while if not for good. My wife and I have made the decision to move overseas to work with an organization that our church is involved with. We have been in the process of leaving for the last 2 years through trainings and raising funds to go overseas. We are just about finished with this process now. We are leaving Austin for Christmas and coming back sometime in January. Then we're aiming to leave for good in February. We'll be gone for the next three years for our first term, and possible longer if we decide that this will be a long term deal.

I have really enjoyed the last 7 years I've spent here in Austin, especially the community I found here to game with. The group of players here is amazing, and I've built some great friendships with many of you. Honestly, the gaming community will be the thing I miss the most about living here in Texas.

I am not quite gone yet, but will be very soon. Hopefully I'll get to see most of you another time or two before shipping out. You all have been awesome and I'll miss you.

In the meantime, I am trying to sell off all my crap. I have a couple of armies, and a ton (seriously, more than i ever realized) of miscellaneous stuff that goes with this hobby. I have a few threads in the barter section about all the stuff up for sale.

If you want to hear more about where I'm going and what we're going to do there, let me know and I'd love to talk to you about it offline.