I think I like the idea of guard. I'm not sure I would like their play style. I want something that does more than my Ultramarines. I know there are more powerful builds than what I typically run, but I'm afraid of being That Guy. I want something shooty that will kill things. I'm not sure I would ever feel good about picking up handfuls of models, as I'm sure would be the case with blob guard. I like the aesthetic of guard. Considering I collect a lot more than play these days, I've got to like the models and I dig the Cadians. I'm open to suggestions for other factions. Something that I could ally with my marines or knight would be preferable, but I won't rule xenos or chaos out. When I got back into the hobby, I picked Ultramarines very naively. I love the army, but I'm getting bored with it, and it seems like there are a lot of factions that are better at doing stuff than marines.