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Thread: 40k Campaign - where things stand

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  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    40k Campaign - where things stand

    So, I just wanted to give an update on where things stand. I have a very rough draft of (most of) a rules packet that I distributed to some of the guys who said that they were interested in helping GM to get some feedback. We are still working on that stuff and so there is not really a date set to start yet, though I would like to start it sometime in mid June if we can get it going that soon.

    What I do need/could use help on, is anyone with some map-making skills (either paper/computer, or really cool would be to actually create one using hex-tiles ala miniwargaming's maps for their new campaign) who could help create the maps for the campaign.

    Overall, what I am hoping to shoot for is a 6 or 7 turn campaign. Each turn would last 3 weeks, and during that 3 weeks each player should get 2 games in. That would ideally give everyone a chance at 12-14 games over the course of this campaign. If some are travelling or for other reasons not able to get their game(s) in, then those who are more casually interested could drop in to fill those matches and get games. Also, some of those casual players could possibly be pulled in if people wanted to do something unique like a 2-on-2 type battle or something.

    We haven't really discussed a cap on players, but right now I have 15 people who have confirmed interest to play as a full member of one of the factions, and 6 more who have expressed an interest in dropping in from time-to-time. The problem is that for purpose of match-ups it is hard to have an odd-number number of players, but right now we would have 3 even factions of 5 players so I suppose we could have one player per turn willing to get a third game in and/or a regular slot for one of the occasional/part-time players.

    With that said, some have listed multiple armies they would like to play. Of those I have tried to talk to most of you, but this is where we stand with 3 even factions of 5 players.

    DandyPandy (Ultramarines)
    Real Genius (BloodMech)
    CRP (either SW of IG)
    Viscount (FW Marines)

    Randomnumber (Eldar)
    Noah2015.5 (Eldar)
    eaglesMVP (Eldar)
    Morella (Eldar)
    ccrrazzyyman (Tau)

    Sloth (Nids)
    Kjolnir (Nids)
    Noodlers (Chaos)
    Bullymike (either Crons, Khorne DK, or Orks)
    Tx Plays (Orks)

    casual/drop-in players:
    Karnage (Space Marines)
    CptJoeyG (Space Marines)
    Ninjawraitlord (Eldar)
    Beamo (Eldar)
    The Dude (Crons)
    Sid (Nids)

  2. #2
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViscountAlexandru View Post
    What I do need/could use help on, is anyone with some map-making skills (either paper/computer, or really cool would be to actually create one using hex-tiles ala miniwargaming's maps for their new campaign) who could help create the maps for the campaign.
    What do you want the map to look like? You want a physical one or digital? What's the link to the MWG maps?
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  3. #3
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    The campaign will take part in a system I was envisioning as 3 or 4 planets, with a total of somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-ish hexes/territories. Some of the planets would be larger than others though, so it wouldn't be evenly distributed. As far as format, I'm undecided. Digital has the advantage of being easily distributed and manipulated as needed; physical looks damn cool though. Digital probably makes more sense in all reality but I do like MWG's stuff.

    Anyways, as far as a link, here is a link - their planets show in the intro to the video, and are further featured as they are planting flags for their campaign:

  4. #4
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViscountAlexandru View Post
    The campaign will take part in a system I was envisioning as 3 or 4 planets, with a total of somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-ish hexes/territories. Some of the planets would be larger than others though, so it wouldn't be evenly distributed. As far as format, I'm undecided.
    Let's go with digital, because I don't have 60 Planetary Empire tiles. Are you going to use Planetary Empires? What special features will be on the hexes, or we just going to do it to mark territories?
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Let's go with digital, because I don't have 60 Planetary Empire tiles. Are you going to use Planetary Empires? What special features will be on the hexes, or we just going to do it to mark territories?
    Hey, sorry I have not been able to really do much the last week as like I said I've been in and out of town dealing with my girlfriend and her mother. So RG, are you able to help us with some digital maps? What I need right now would be maps for 4 planets:

    planet 1 - large heavily forested/tropical planet with 28 tiles
    planet 2 - medium planet, hive world, 20 tiles
    planet 3 - smaller planet, chaos-torn world that dropped out of the warp, 14 tiles
    planet 4 - small mining moon/planet, 8 tiles

    As far as placement of special tiles, I need to work on and finalize the rules for those, and figure out how many/where to have them ... if you could start on the above and I can get back to you with more soon.

  6. #6
    Senior Member eaglesmvp11's Avatar
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    Do we have a starting list size? Id like to start working on painting a specific force. 1000pts?

  7. #7
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eaglesmvp11 View Post
    Do we have a starting list size? Id like to start working on painting a specific force. 1000pts?
    Games are arranged between the challengers, but are intended really for 1500-2000 points, and I think most of us are usually playing 1750-1850. Really, in a sense any size could be agreed by the opponents, but if it gets too small it kind of gets outside of some of the scope of other rules/things in the campaign.

    Once the rules are more nailed down I'll put it all out there for everybody to know what to expect. The goal though is to encourage some varied list building and at least a little fluffier style of games as opposed to some of the d*ck kicking lists and style that the more competitive play can sometimes tend towards.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    If this can be played on any normal Thursdays I am down to play. Harlies, they can be any faction :P We are free folk clowns!
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
    Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."

  9. #9
    Senior Member Bullymike's Avatar
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    im definitely going khorne csm/daemonkin.

    "skulls me while i whip this out"
    "The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."

  10. #10
    Senior Member Cavematt's Avatar
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    I'd like to get in on this as a sometimes player, work and other commitments keep me from saying I can do more. I'd probably run Deldar/harlequins, just because I started some and I need to stay motivated to keep the project going.

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