Quote Originally Posted by Kaika87 View Post
I thought the point was to see who was the best general with tue same list. Which okay, I know thr HQ thing breaks that, but even so. The list last year was pretty solid. And the chaos list is still over 1500.
You can probably throw out the "point limit" thing, since all the lists are pre-designed we decided to essentially ignore it because it doesn't matter in this sort of format. As far as specific choices go, some of them are random, some of them are there because of the fact that sometimes its how someone uses the small random things that makes the difference, and yes some of them are just gimmicks. The point wasn't to make the best list, but rather to make a list that would be entertaining and would allow a large number of interesting pre-game and in-game choices to be made. Also, we wanted to try to make a list that could potentially be "proxied" using just about any good sized chaos or space marine force.