I am liking the Skorne spoilers. Speed 3 heavies sounds pretty lame, but it's not like we're a faction that doesn't have some help in that area. the beast pack sounds really good. I think I'll really like them. The Keltarii seem on par with what i was expecting. I think they'll be a great jamming unit, especially with eHex for ashen veil or one of the Def Ward casters. might be a nice hollow target for Mordikaar, either as a third unit or to replace swordsmen.

So if I really want to test out everything new in one big shotgun list, I'll just play this next week:
- Krea
- Gladiator
- Soldier
- Sentinal
- bug pack
- 2X reptile hounds
Efaarit (minion light cav solo, on Andrew's link above)

sounds like a fun list if nothing else...