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Thread: Dropzone updates!

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010
    Looks like fun, unfortunately, I will have to wait until houses sold and I am moved, looking more like November :-( I might want to jump in with Joseph on a demo of it though.

  2. #22
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khealos View Post
    True - but if it gets destroyed aren't any unites "underground" trapped at that point? I thought I saw that on one of the various podcasts I've seen for the Resistance. It's great for deployment but you do have to be careful with it!
    Any units still in reserve, I believe are trapped, but do not count as destroyed, if I recall.

  3. #23
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damios View Post
    The hinds look drop dead gorgeous. I assume mixed-forces are possible as well? Technicals and tanks? And how much room is there in the fluff for creating Resistance groups? Are there lots of fringe planets with Resistance on them and lots of room to create warlords and such?
    I think "resistance" is generic, but for the purposes of the timeline they are specifically the Resistance of Eden Prime - the first Cradle World in the Reclamation by the UCM. The Ferals are various Warlords that refuse to cooperate with the UCM, and so are limited in what they have access to. Both Resistance proper and Ferals can use military and improvised equipment but I believe at different ratios, and the Resistance proper has access to some UCM gear, I believe.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettythebear View Post
    I'm really wanting to get in a demo game of this some time. I know you all have been having to buy everything online, but it would be really cool to see you support a great local store. Don't forget that they have a great frequent buyer program!
    Well I have been buying my paint, brushes,glue,bases and board games there. As soon as they get things set with their distributor I will buy models as well.

  5. #25
    Think they'll be ready to take orders on Sunday? I'd like to flesh out my new Scourge to hit 1500/2000 points, and I'd be happy to order them through GHG.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by RazorMind View Post
    Looks like fun, unfortunately, I will have to wait until houses sold and I am moved, looking more like November :-( I might want to jump in with Joseph on a demo of it though.
    You are always welcome to use one of my armies, if we're all playing at GHG. Just give me some notice and which army you'd like. I can catalog what I have and make a post about the loaner armies I have available.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavageRobby View Post
    Think they'll be ready to take orders on Sunday? I'd like to flesh out my new Scourge to hit 1500/2000 points, and I'd be happy to order them through GHG.
    No idea to tell you the truth. It would depend on if the distributor has it in stock.

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