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Thread: Warning Dragons Lair TO

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Warning Dragons Lair TO

    Ard boys is just a little over a week away and reading over the missions there seems to be some really big issues. I would recommend that the TO read over the missions and answer the following questions so that come the 14th we are not arguing!

    Q: will the traitor model be pulled from your existing list or will he be an extra model?

    Q: can it be any troop model? (dedicated vehicle, or walker) sounds dumb but someone will take a deff dread and hid him in a battle wagon!

    if anyone has any other questions please list them here

    Q: does the stat line replace the model’s stats and special rules? Furious charge, rage, slow & purposeful, relentless?

    Q: If you table your opponent do you score max points?
    Last edited by splnes; 08-06-2011 at 12:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hogleg's Avatar
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    Q 1: Pulled from your list. He's not an extra model. You'll lose the model, and gain a traitor IC*.

    You will not lose the special abilities of the squad (e.g. an extra heavy weapon for having 10 models, or the ability to combat squad for space marines).

    Q 2: Yes. But it gains the profile in the list, so the deff dredd, if you have one as a troops choice, would no longer be a deff dread, he'd be treated as an independant character to a troops choice with the profile listed in the mission.

    Q 3: Yes, the stat line replaces the model's special rules. He loses his profile and wargear and gains the wargear and statline in the mission special rules.

    Q 4: I don't know the answer to that.

    *It does say he gains the "independent" special rule, which I take to mean he gains the independent character special rule, but it also says he can "join any troop choice in your army..." which, is different than the IC special rule.

    I know I'm not the TO, but I'm pretty positive my answers are correct. I'm not saying the missions are well written, but the traitor is pretty clear. With the exception of the "independent" and restriction to joining troops paradox.

    I suspect the 'Ard Boyz packets will be a little different than the sample missions posted. These were likely a rush job to get them out for practice games. At least I hope so as those are pretty terrible as far as copy editing goes.

    I do think this is a good idea for a thread.

    I have a question regarding the DoW mission, because of the deployment type do we night fight on turn one? So that all missions have a turn of night fighting?
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Your "booty > money > toy soldiers" logic is indeed irrefutable.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    yeah... so can a deff dread troop then be put in a rhino? see this is where the problem is, the mission says on troop model which could be a dedicated transport, then it can be kept in a vehicle because the rules are so poorly writen!

    and it never says that the new IC loses is wargear or special rules. it simply give him a new stat line.

    these missions are F@#$#%@#$!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hogleg's Avatar
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    I agree that they are poorly written but not that poorly. Clarification is needed, but GW is notorious for lacking clarity. And yes, these missions are $*@(!*$@.

    It says he gains the IC special rule and his profile is replaced by the following following profile is replaced. So yeah, the deff dread could be put in a rhino, why you'd give your opponent a 75 pt model I don't know (if I were playing Orks they'd get a standard boy). It wouldn't have an AV anymore, it would simply act as a new unit with that profile.

    And dedicated transports aren't troop models, they are dedicated transports.
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Your "booty > money > toy soldiers" logic is indeed irrefutable.

  5. #5
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    i guess you missed the point... i want to get a ruling on this before someone pulls any nonsence next week and holds up the game.

  6. #6
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    I have the offical missions that were sent out last night by GW. I printed them before I lost my email for the last three days. What fun. I will have hard copies in hand tomorrow night for review. I would hope that GW posted them by now.
    I haven't looked yet. I haven't said anything about any of this till now becaues I was waiting for this email.

  7. #7
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    do you have a link your not telling me about!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member FrankJamison's Avatar
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    GW posted a "new" (08-01) version of the scenarios. It's on their web site.

    Quote Originally Posted by splnes View Post
    do you have a link your not telling me about!!
    To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.

  9. #9
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    Hogleg is correct in his thought. The updated scenario makes it clear that the Owner chooses the piece to defect. That means any ORK player would choose a Gretchin over a Def Dred anyway The updated scenarios are pretty clear compared to first drafts. I have them printed out and will have them available for folks to look over at our practice sessions tomorrow at Wonko's. We'll also start our signups tomorrow as well.


  10. #10
    Senior Member Bullymike's Avatar
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    Sorry, dragons lair ard boyz round 1 is on sunday 8/14 starting usual time (11)?

    Fang can u confirm who is all signed up (i thinks i is)

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