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Thread: FT: ATI Radeon 5870 GPU W: Stormravens or maybe Dark Eldar

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    FT: ATI Radeon 5870 GPU W: Stormravens, terminator bits, or maybe Dark Eldar

    I just upgraded my GPU so I have my previous ATI 5870 GPU sitting in a static bag doing nothing. It's a pretty good card and I was using it to run Battlefield 3 at 1920 x 1080 with everything turned up so it's still good for modern games.

    I'm looking for some Stormravens. Preferably NIB but clipped off sprue, assembled, painted, etc could work. I would like to get 2 of them for the card or on and combination of something else.

    I would also like a blood angels codex.

    I'm also looking for terminator legs, torso's, and maybe alls of all type for Space Marines.

    Other then storm ravens I've been thinking of starting a Dark elder army built around wracks, Grotesques, chronos/talos engines, etc. I would be interested in what folks might have and want to trade in that respect.

    PM me with any offers combinations or just a cash offer please.


    Michael N.
    Last edited by Nettingbot; 03-21-2012 at 12:59 PM.

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