So I started thinking, Inquisitorial henchmen can take a henchmen squad with 11 psykers (and an overseer to gunthem all down when they perils) in it, and im pretty sure they are all individuals in that aspect as they dont have brotherhood of psykers. So that should be 11 WCP a squad, with 3 in the primary, 3 in the inqisitorial detachment, and 2 in an allied Grey knights list with Corteas and 2 squads of psykers the exact same way. With all but 2 in chimeras, And with an ordo whatever inquisitor (psy level one) leading each of the Inquisition forces your looking at 1460 bound Generating 92 warp charge points +d6 in a bound army configuration.

Im pretty sure this army wouldnt win any games, and If I were running it they would All die to perils no doubt, although with the new perils chart they could get a buff instead :P But what do you think? who can make the most of these warp charge power dice?