Here is what lil I have learned from skaven players when it comes to increasing shooting and the storm banner. The banner seems to bite you in the *** as it seems to always be on during at least one of your own phases of shooting. So I would either reinvest points back into blocks out of shooting or hearsay here, not take the storm banner so you can be assured your shooting stays good to go. Now I am not saying take all your points back into blocks, just saying take enough back that if you do get hit with the banner you dont have like oh 300pts of shooting just sitting not able to do jack. Thoughts on feed back scroll, I used it only a few times mainly because I do not run a level 2 all my defense is in 1 level 4, so I normally cant afford it. You though can and as long as you have a normal scroll hang onto it, but play a few games with it because only 1 time did the feed back ever shine for me. For you my friend I am not sure that a earthing rod wouldn't be a better choice. Thats my feed back on your list try it out this Sunday if you can make it.