Emilie looks over the battlefield... He sees's a massive Dark Elf host slowly advancing on what is left of Grail Knight Morikhi's army, coming to consume what is left after the Grail Knight's failed attempt to "End Vampires" ended as all rational people expected it would. At he head of the army strides a massive, seven foot Dark Elf. Shirtless with a massive magical axe. Behind him are his slaves, dragging trophies from his previous victories. Liliaine rides up next to Emilie, she spies the Hunter.

"Wow... That's one mean looking Elf."

"He's going to add Morikhi's head to that collection if I don't cut him off."

"Is that a Wyvern head?"

"Yes... with an Orc's arm still holding on. It's next to the jar of Fimir's testicles... I think that's what it is..."

Liliaine leans in close to Emilie... "You don't have to do this."

"He is under my protection I don't have a choice..."

"That's what men always say... You have a choice."

Emilie kicks his horse and rides off to meet the Hunter in the field.