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Thread: Central Texas Games Stores

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  1. #1
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Central Texas Games Stores

    Hey all, I was supposed to get this going a while ago, but life happens.

    Please post any stores/public places/meetups you know about to help new players find games. I will try my best to keep an updated list in this first post. I have no set idea on 'local', so really anywhere from the SA/Austin/Dallas/College Station/Houston triangle is fine, since there are members here from all of those places.

    I will add some other threads to discuss specific games nights/regular events, but feel free to post that information here also, so we know, and I will update elsewhere as needed. Also please provide additional information if you like for stores already added - I only know about those I frequent, which is why some have more info than others.

    To keep things orderly, please use the following format:

    Store Name/Local Area:
    Physical Address:
    Games Supported:
    Other neat things about this location:

    To start things off:

    Austin area:

    Dragon's Lair, N Central Austin
    2438 West Anderson Lane Suite B-1, Austin, TX, 78757
    (512) 454-2399
    WFB (Tu), 40K (Th/Sa), WM/H (W), Malifaux (W), MTG (Tu/F), Pathfinder (M), various other CCG/minis/boardgames and hosts monthly tournaments for many games.
    Also has wide selection of comics and merchandise, nearby dining, two store cats, hosts various events, including miniature painting classes every other Thursday with CRP.

    Wonko's, Cedar Park/NW Austin
    13776 Highway 183 Suite 116, Austin, TX 78750
    (512) 335-1000
    Has minis gaming night on Thursdays and monthly 40K tournaments.
    Mondays - Malifaux?

    Emerald Tavern Games & Cafe, N Central Austin
    9012 Research Blvd, Suite C6, Austin, TX 78758
    Phone: 512-994-4649
    Email: [email protected]
    Small selection of GW items, mostly board and card games. But you can buy beer, coffee and food here while you game. Most tables are too small for GW games (about 3x3 or 2.5x6), but check with the store first - if they aren't busy they may let you push some tables together (no instore terrain though).

    Mage's Sanctum, South Austin
    2110 W Slaughter Lane, Suite 165, Austin, TX 78748
    Phone: 512-428-4402
    Email: [email protected]
    WH 40K, WHFB, Warmahordes, FOW, D&D, MTG, Pokemon
    Tuesday - Minis Gaming, Thursday - WMH

    Mothership Books and Games, North Austin
    2121 W Parmer Ln, Austin, TX 78727
    Malifaux (Tu/Th), MTG, LAN video gaming

    Whose turn is it, WTII Games, South Austin
    2707 S Lamar #100B, Austin, TX 78704
    Phone: (512) 294-2740
    Email: [email protected]
    GW (Th), Warmachine (Tu), Card Crack
    Every 3rd Saturday - Warmahordes 50 points steamroller tournament

    Games Workshop Brodie Oaks Shopping Center, S Austin
    4032 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 600, Austin, 78704, TX
    (512) 383-8660

    Great Hall Games, Central Austin
    5501 North Lamar, Suite A-135, Austin, Texas, 78751
    Boardgames, historical minis

    Tribe Comics and Games, South Austin
    3005 S. Lamar Boulevard, Ste D113, Austin, TX 78704
    [email protected]
    Monday nights: Minis Gaming and Xwing
    Tuesday:Boardgames, Thursday:RPGs, Friday:MtG
    Last edited by morella888; 07-18-2015 at 10:10 AM.

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