Wonky alliances indeed. Menoth/cryx? Retribution/Khador?

I might be actually tempted to pay attention to this league, rather than just running normal games and letting the opponent count it. Would be hard pressed to choose between picking up a Maxwell Finn and running trolls (love love love those poor sluggers) or running khador, using my Ret Scyir to marshall some brand new Khador light myrmidons.

That, and the mental image of a couple of troopers walking past a forest and going "hey puppy, aren't you a pretty doggy" and then having the butcher burst through the forest is too hilarious to pass up.

Interesting to see in the rules section that the alliance patch is now very specifically team games (mangled metal/tooth and claw).

(Upgrade: Daemon hellmouth cannon now has gunfighter. Oh no, I've been sucked into my own void!)