I was wrong you still have your 1250 event.
Please check under the events title . I only post this here when questions come up.
I removed team events for a while people do not seem to like them.

DL Warhammer evens for 2012 Update 2/4/12

DL Warhammer evens for 2012

Feb. 12 Warhammer 40K Mentor team event 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am. 1000 point armies you vets must have a teammate
who is a first time tournament player, your spouse, your child, one of the Warhammer 40 kid players, etc...
If your team wins the mentored player gets the prize.

Feb.19 Warhammer Fantasy event Event 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
2500 points. Standard construction rules

March 4 Warhammer 40K 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
1250 points Standard FOC construction rules

March 18 Warhammer Fantasy event Event 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
2500 points. Standard construction rules

April 1 Warhammer 40K 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
1850 points Standard FOC construction rules

April 15 Warhammer Fantasy event Event 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
2500 points. Standard construction rules

May 6 Warhammer 40K 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
1850 points Standard FOC construction rules

May 20 Warhammer Fantasy event Event 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
2500 points. Standard construction rules

JUNE 3 Warhammer 40K 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
Kill team. Must have no more then two troop choices, no more then one elite, one fast attack. Units must meet codex minimums.