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Thread: Hordes Trollblood Conversion - need help

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Greggle's Avatar
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    Hordes Trollblood Conversion - need help

    Hey all,

    So, I asked this in the Privateer Press forums, and only got a bunch of guys arguing about their conversion policy. Hopefully ya'll can give me some tips/tutorial-links that can help me out.

    So, I want to take this Dire Troll Mauler:

    And magnetize it and add accessories to make it usable as the other two warbeasts that it looks like, the Bomber and Blitzer, shown here:

    I plan to remove the spines, put a magnet in the back for the gunner and fuse-lighter, then put magnets in the hands to add bombs.

    Several problems I forsee:
    1) I need to buy or make barrels the right size.
    2) I want to make my own gunner platform, to look like more like a mounted gun.
    3) I don't know how best to imbed the magnets in the Mauler model.

    Can anyone provide any tips or links that might help me out with this? I've never done something on this scale before. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Psi's Avatar
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    Austin, TX
    Honestly, I'd leave the spines alone. The model looks awesome as is.

    I'd break out the plasticard and stuff and build a clip on shoulder platform. Think along the lines of shoulderpads. That would be one less magnet to stress over.

    As for the barrel hands.... yeah. Drimel tool & tiny magnets. Find some of those pre-painted barrel kits. The should have barrels that would fit. Then just attach the magnets. Heck, if your lucky. You may find some that would craddle in the palms without magnets with a simple finger bend.

    That model is just to cool to go hacking and drilling on. Good luck with your conversion.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Austin, Tx
    The barrels shouldn't be too much of a problem. It should give you a chance to use some greenstuff. Figure out the size you need and work your way up. Start with the wood underneath, after that is set use thin plasticard that is bendy to put the metal band around the center.

    Ben recently told me about rivets that come in little strips you can get from any hobby train shop. These little buggers will turn any piece of plain plasticard into metal. Little pygmies probably arent the most crafted blacksmiths so if your platform looks wonky it will just add to the effect. I would just glue sheets of plasticard together in the shape you need and add some rivets.

    As for the magnetizing part get some high quality rare earth magnets. I use . 2 of these magnets are powerful enough that they should work through a thin layer of greenstuff or a thick layer of paint. Drill/cut out the holes in the hands and on the top for the gunner. put the magnets in and use some greenstuff to fill the gaps. With no gaps and a decent amount of paint the hands will look fine. You dont need to worry about covering up the magnets on the barrels or the platform.
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