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Cool. If you are not able to edit it, I can unlock. Just PM me if so.
Sorry, just saw this ... yeah you can email it to me [email protected]
So, an update ... I have 13/18 army lists, but 17/18 have said they would have them to me soon, so I'm only still really "waiting" to hear from one person. As I said before, 2 of 3 factions have made requests to claim territory, and the last remaining faction says they are working on it. Hopefully maybe tomorrow challenges can get issued (we do need the maps updated first).
I think you should have all of Xenos?
Also, so for the maps, are we supposed to request specific hexes, and they have to be adjacent to ones we already have? or just X spots on planet Y?
Yes, adjacent to ones you already have, you claim 6 additional ones. One group missed the adjacent somewhat, but they are close and I can work with what they sent.
There will be a couple of contested territories that more than one side wants to claim to start. What I am going to do with those is to give each faction another nearby territory, and one of the first round battles will decide ownership of the contested space.
Also, so if we request two spaces that would create a 'chain of adjacency' that's okay, right?