I want to do these customs decals for a imperial guard army. Can some help me with these?
let me know
call or text me at 512.789.1753
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I want to do these customs decals for a imperial guard army. Can some help me with these?
let me know
call or text me at 512.789.1753
HobbyLobby sells Testors decal paper and spray that makes these pretty easy to do yourself. Just print on a color printer, using the decal paper and then do a light spray on top to protect the ink.
More info : http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2007/...-sheets-2.html
thanks ...the only problem is that
I don't have a nice printer and that's why I was asking
If you need a good printer, go to Office Depot or Staples and use theirs. It will be cheap since you are only doing the few sheets.